Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How To Connect Your Personal Computer To Your Television

There may be varied reasons as to why you want to connect your PC to your TV. Some would want to watch movies from their PC and use the TV as the monitor. Some would just want to play games and use the TV for clarity of visual effects. Regardless of what the reason is, connecting the PC to your TV is easy. You don’t need to be a professional IT solutions provider to do this. Be your own audio visual services.

1. Identify the output of the PC and input of the TV you are going to use. This varies from HDMI, DVI, VGA, or S-Video. Check what is common to both your PC and TV. Most common in computers is the VGA output and most common in TV’s is the S-Video input. You can purchase VGA to S-Video adapter if your TV and PC don’t have a common connection.

2. After identifying which connections you shall use, connect the appropriate ends of the cable to the components including the RC Audio cable which should go into the headphone jack of your computer.

3. Go to the properties of your computer by right clicking on your desktop. Change your settings to switch from your computer to your television set.

4. Turn your television on and you should see your computer output on your tv.

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